Nebelung (striking appearance)

Nov 9, 2023 | Cats, Featured Articles, Pets

The Nebelung cat is a breed known for its striking appearance and elegant demeanor. Here’s some information about them:

  1. Coat: Nebelungs have a semi-longhair coat that is silky and dense. The coat is often bluish-gray in color, and they may have a shimmering effect, giving them a distinctive look.
  2. Breed Origin: The Nebelung breed originated in the United States in the 1980s. They were created by breeding Russian Blue cats with longhaired cats to produce a cat with a similar appearance but with longer fur.
  3. Color: The breed is known for its blue coat, but it can vary in shades from a light silver-blue to a deeper slate color. They may have a slight silver tipping on the ends of their fur.
  4. Personality: Nebelungs are often described as gentle, reserved, and affectionate. They tend to be loyal to their owners but may be initially cautious around strangers.
  5. Size: Nebelungs are medium to large-sized cats with a slender and graceful build. They have a long, bushy tail that adds to their overall elegance.
  6. Lifespan: With proper care, Nebelung cats can live around 12-18 years.

These cats are not only known for their beauty but also for their calm and loving nature. If you’re looking for a cat with a regal appearance and a gentle personality, the Nebelung might be the right fit for you.

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